A downloadable Digital Twinner

Digital Twinner: Immersive VR Training Experiences

Digital Twinner is project focused on creating immersive 3D VR training environments. As the lead developer for Record & Replay system, I implemented complex  systems, offering a range of advanced features:

Key Contributions:

  • Dynamic VR Training Environment: Developed a versatile system allowing playback of recorded VR sessions from both the recorded user's and external observer's perspectives.
  • Optimized Record Storage: Implemented efficient storage solutions  and integrated database support for seamless recording management.
  • Spaghetti Diagram Visualization: Created advanced visualizations using shaders to display recorded user paths, including teleportation's, and enabled statistical analysis of user movements.
  • Multiplayer Functionality: Integrated Photon Network to support multiplayer features, including recording and playback, and montage systems.
  • Performance Optimization: Enhanced scene performance through material and mesh merging, LOD implementation, and remeshing with InstaLOD.
  • Customized VR Simulations: Designed and developed tailored VR training simulations for various external clients, meeting specific training needs.

Digital Twinner Demo:

Aytemiz Demo Scene: